The Eckleburg Project

Texas A&M's Official Literary Journal

The Eckleburg Project is the official undergraduate literary journal of Texas A&M University. We are an undergraduate organization featuring student poetry, prose, and art. Now with thirteen issues under our belt, we started with the idea that art should be free and easily accessible to the community.

Our staff is composed of undergraduate students and editors who select pieces to be published semesterly under a process of blind review. For information on how to join, go to our apply page. For information on how to submit, go to our submissions page. For general inquiries, or just to say hello, contact our organizational email at

As always, we thank you for your support as we continue to foster art here at Texas A&M.

A Wish by Rose Moczygemba

I wish I could draw.

I wish I could paint a picture

With a tower in the background

And the tiny figure of a girl

Looking out

I wish I could create with my hands

An image of the unmade bed

The messy bedroom

Lived in,


I wish I knew what colors to use

To capture the fading of

The night sky

The stars twinkling above

A comet streaking across the dark

I wish with

All of my heart

That I could make an image

But all I have are words that won’t

Fall into order, or make sense on paper

© Texas A&M The Eckleburg Project, 2023